Psalms 127:3-5
Mother's Day At Ruby Tuesdays.
Ben went to the doctor on Monday for his late 2 month appointment, so it was more like his three month appointment. Everything went really well. I love his new pediatrician and the office is so nice. My friend Kelly recommended the office to me. Thanks Kelly! Ben is now 25 and half inches long and 15.5 lbs. The doctor says he is the size of an average 6 month old. Tell me about it!! In the pictures below he is in 9 month sleepers. His other clothes like shorts and onsies are still 6 month. He is so vocal now I swear he can carry on a conversation with you. Its all mumble jumble but you know he just trying to say something. So funny. He still hasn't found a love for the tummy time, but we are working hard to change that. He is also sleeping so good these days anywhere from 5 to 7 hours. His days in his bassinet are dwindling. I love taking pictures of him. It is to much fun. It makes me wonder what I ever took pictures of before. Sure want anything as cute as Ben.