Just a thought....
Putting God and your relationship with Jesus is hard enough in toady's world. With the time we spend watching tv, computer, listening to music, working out, work, or just the time we spend in our daily relationship with those we love, when do we have time for just our relationship with Christ. It takes time and communication to have a true relationship with someone. Especially a Love relationship.
But you would never think that would get more difficult when you have a child. Who would think? But its true! I have to be honest with my self that Ben must come second to Christ, but that's a lot easier to say then to do. It is sosooo easy to idolize your child.
It might be the hardest thing to put Ben and Ike second in my life. Ben, my own son must come second?? Yes!! But I continue to tell myself that is what it takes to be the best mother, wife and Christian.
So Ben turned 4 month old on the 17th!! Special sorry shout out to Jess about being so behind on the postings. Ben is doing great! He has stop sleeping good at night though and now wakes every 2-3 hours in the night. But we just deal and hope it will end soon. I think he has reached the age where he recognizes surroundings and is aware of strangers and he now know when he is alone.
I know I should probably just take a few nights to let him "cry it out", but I just cant bring myself to do it "yet." Maybe when he is a little older. For those of you that are not familiar with baby sleep therapy the cry it out methods is the fastest and usually the most effective sleep therapy. In which you just let them cry until the learn to self soothe. They say it only takes 3-4 nights of crying before they learn to sleep through the night. I just keep telling myself that its a temporary part of Ben growing up and that one day I will want these nights back.